The Company

Swordstone is an experienced team of SaaS professionals that understand the significant challenges that emerging SaaS companies must navigate with limited resources.  The Swordstone team provides a cost-effective approach to respond to challenges.

About Us

The Swordstone team is a group of executives with extensive experience that can provide C- Level domain expertise to early-stage SaaS companies focused on decisions on growth or a major initiative.  Our experience includes CEO, COO, CFO, and other senior leadership roles.

Our team enjoys sharing its extensive experience, many successful and some lessons learned with entrepreneurs and executives that have a passion to realize a dream of bringing a new product or concept to market.

Value Proposition

Value Proposition

We understand and appreciate the resource constraints, both in terms of workforce and capital, that emerging SaaS companies face. Entrepreneurs and executives must serve many roles which often takes them away from their core competency.  Our fixed fee packages, low-cost financial planning subscription services and on-going fractional “C” level support options address this challenge. We do real work under your direction.

Customer Testimonials

“Swordstone Partners helped us get a firm footing in our business planning. Every day, we relied on their financial planning software to make business decisions. When our business was approached by different investors, Swordstone helped us navigate the landscape and provided valuable advice on which direction to take. We eventually sold the company to a large public consulting firm and Swordstone was incredibly valuable during the process from start to finish. I’ve now started a new firm and am happy to be working with them again.” 

“Swordstone Partners was an important long-term advisor and partner while I was building EmployUs. Their domain experience from building SaaS companies was very helpful. With their support, we navigated the market, raised VC funding, and launched new partnerships. Ultimately it led to a successful exit for our customers, our team, and our investors.”

– Ryan O’Donnell, CEO, EmployUs

– Kamran Khan, CEO, Pureinsights

“We utilized Swordstone Partners to complete a carve-out of a SaaS business unit from a large company. Carve-outs are difficult, but the Swordstone team completed the job. The business needed significant repair. Before our investment, technology debt was significant and customer churn was exceedingly high. Swordstone management executed a plan to modernize the technology and completely turned customer retention around. All this was during a difficult period of COVID-19.”

– Senior Partner of a Large PE Firm